The objective of this study is to analyze the contributions of Market Information\nSystems (MIS) to the performance of agricultural markets in Sahelian\ncountries, to identify and analyze the factors that limit and affect the use of\nthese MIS for better efficiency of agricultural products markets. Indeed, the\nstudy showed that MIS can contribute to the better market performance of\nagricultural markets. According to the results obtained from the statistical\nand econometric analysis of the databases, the factors affecting the use of\nthese MIS are: the age of the household head, his level of education, prices\nand the level of supply of products in the markets. The use of MIS has a positive\neffect on farmersâ?? prices and possibly on their incomes. However, there\nare obstacles that limit their use by market actors: the low level of literacy and\norganization of the actors, the difficulties of the market actors to be able to\nuse SMS and the Internet, the low level of dissemination of information to\nusers. And the study showed that the age, the level of education, and the level\nof product offerings on the markets have a negative effect on their use.